Services & Fees

Are you looking for a long-term partnership with an expert to help you navigate your stock comp and investments?

  • I provide tax-efficient financial planning and investment (portfolio) management for Millennials with equity compensation.

    With your equity grants front-and-center, my clients and I work on tax optimization strategies, cash flow projections, decisions related to buying a house, insurance/risk management, estate planning, budgeting, saving for retirement, and optimizing employee benefits.

  • 1) An expert in equity compensation

    Would you see a dermatologist for advice on your heart condition? Specialists – in both medicine and finance – have deep expertise in unique arenas, helping to improve outcomes while preventing sub-optimal decisions. My expertise is in helping Millennials navigate their equity comp.

    2) Holistic tax forecasting included

    Wealth advisors at large firms will manage your assets – but typically shy away from any tax projections. I help to provide visibility into your tax situation to avoid unanticipated surprises.

    3) No % charge for “assets under management”

    Most advisors charge a percentage of “assets under management” (AUM) based on the size of your portfolio. Typically, that percentage is anywhere from 0.7% to 1.5% in addition to an annual fee. Instead, I charge one flat rate. No surprises and no conflicts of interest.

    4) Foundational estate doc preparation included*

    Your flat, annual fee includes access to online platforms to aide you in the initial creation of foundational estate planning documents (such as wills; revocable trusts). *See ADV for details; for qualifying clients only

    5) A completely independent fiduciary

    I have no affiliation with – nor receive compensation from – any banks, brokerages, insurance companies, or other third-parties that may exert pressure or otherwise try to influence my recommendations. I am legally obligated to put your interests before those of my own.

    6) You always get me

    With big advisory firms, you may be one of 200 clients assigned to a particular advisor. And that advisor might not always be on the other end of the line. Presidio Advisors is small and intimate by design. You always get me. And we pick up right where we left off.

  • Clients typically find me because they have urgent equity-related planning needs. And, clients typically stay because they value comprehensive financial planning, an accountability partner, and investment management. My services are “all-in-one” and include:

    Ongoing Financial Planning

    Together we’ll develop a holistic financial plan centered around your equity compensation. And, as life happens, we’ll refine and adjust. We’ll likely cover topics such as:

    • Planning for financial independence

    • Buying your first house

    • Refinancing a mortgage

    • Ensuring foundational estate planning documents are in order

    • Analyzing and projecting cash flows

    • Consolidating debt

    • Establishing budgets and spending plans

    • Saving for kids’ college expenses

    • Managing risk and insurance

    • Optimizing healthcare plans

    Coaching and Confidence

    What is important to you and what do you hope to achieve in the long run? I help to:

    • Give you confidence and clarity in your financial plans

    • Identify potential blind spots

    • Validate your ability to reach personal goals

    • Share unique perspectives that you may not have considered

    • Answer questions without any judgement

    • Proactively communicate and quickly respond to your concerns

    Investment/Portfolio Management

    Every dollar invested should have a purpose and a timeline. We work together to invest in a way that matches your goals, time horizon, risk tolerance, and risk capacity through:

    • Establishing tax-deferred accounts and vehicles

    • Tax-loss harvesting

    • Rebalancing portfolio allocations

    • Backdoor Roth conversions

    • Ensuring optimized risk/reward trade-offs

    • Diversifying assets across various sectors

    • Consulting when the market inevitably turns south

  • I offer transparent and fair pricing as follows*:

    Wealth Management Services | $7,500 Annual Fee

    Includes all equity compensation analyses, financial planning, on-going coaching, investment guidance, and portfolio management.

    Billed quarterly in arrears.

    *Limited engagement “one-time plans” may be available as an alternative to Wealth Management Services with fees dependent on specific needs and estimated complexity.

  • An engagement with Presidio Advisors is best if you are looking for a long-term, ongoing partnership with an expert to help you navigate stock comp and manage your investment portfolio.

    Please note: clients must provide Presidio Advisors with discretionary management of all investable assets through accounts held in custody at Charles Schwab.

    In managing client assets, I am better able to:

    1. See your holistic picture and ensure we’re not missing any opportunities

    2. Implement adjustments quickly on your behalf

    3. Keep a close eye on your plans to ensure timely follow-through

    Ultimately, by managing your investments, I believe that I can help you to achieve your goals faster.

  • Financial planning is a commitment. And it’s an expensive commitment at that! My best partnerships are with clients who are actively engaged, motivated to make changes, and ready to put in the time to develop and implement a comprehensive financial plan.

    My ask of you is simply to think about whether you’re ready for this type of commitment. If the answer if “no” or “not right now,” that’s ok! We’ll both be glad to know that up front!

  • What is your investment philosophy? I generally believe that markets are efficient and that focusing on passive, low-cost, broadly-diversified funds is optimal. Instead of chasing the highest yields (which I find to be unsustainable), I focus on generating "pretty good" returns that are repeatable year after year. From there, we let the power of compounding work it's magic.

    Why focus on Millennials with equity comp? I was in your exact shoes when I was in tech. I had multiple equity grants ranging from RSUs to ISOs that were confusing and hard to strategize around. I needed a trustworthy partner to help steer the ship. Net-net: I relate to the challenges and life stages that Millennials are going through.

    What are your guiding values? 1) Transparency. All cards on the table — always; 2) No surprises! The market will certainly surprise us, but the financial strategy that we develop together never should; and 3) When in doubt, over-communicate. Call, text, or email!

    Do I need to be local to be a client? No, I am virtual and am licensed to work with clients across the U.S. But if I am ever in your neck of the woods, it would be great to meet in person!

    Do you work with clients on an hourly basis? I do not. With hourly work, there is a mismatch of incentives where everyone is watching the clock. Advisors may be incentivized to be overly-thorough and clients may be incentivized to cut corners. I want you to attain your long-term goals and that, to me, means that we’re both investing in a long-term partnership at a fixed rate.

    How much is the initial consultation fee? Free. I have a very specific specialization and not everyone is a good fit. Also, I want to ensure that our vision working together is aligned. If I’m not the right fit, I will gladly provide you with the names of others!

  • If you believe that my services fit your values and needs, please send me an email and we’ll set up a free 30-minute introductory call to determine if we’d be good partners.