Services & Fees

Clients typically find me for help with:

Equity Compensation Planning & Analysis

Tax Forecasting & Optimization

Account Aggregation & Investment Management

We also review these important inputs to your financial plan:

Housing Affordability / Rent vs. Buy Analysis

Debt Management

Retirement & Financial Independence Planning

Risk Management / Insurance Policy Review

Cash Flow Planning & Tax Estimating

Estate Planning Guidance

Education Planning for College and K-12

Employer-Provided Benefits Optimization

My clients partner with me for the long-term because they value someone who:


Generates a high Return on Hassle (ROH) so that they can spend more time with family and on other things in life


Holds them accountable for getting sh*t done


Helps to prevent them from making tax mistakes


Creates a holistic plan based on their short-, mid-, and long-term goals


Identifies the blind spots within their investments, insurance, and estate plans


Provides them with clarity on their path towards financial independence


Answers questions ā€” with full context of their financial situation ā€” but without any judgement


Acts as their de facto ā€œpersonal CFOā€ on various financial and non-financial decisions


Shares unique perspectives that they may not have otherwise considered


Communicates with them proactively and responsively

I proudly offer financial planning and investment management for a flat, annual fee.

  1. Is simple and transparent

  2. Reduces conflicts of interest

  3. Encourages advice for life goals rather than just asset accumulation

This modern pricing model:

As a fee-only fiduciary, I never receive any commissions of any kind.

Ongoing Financial Planning Services | $7,500 Annual Fee

High-touch and relationship-based. Includes all equity compensation analyses, tax forecasting, holistic planning, on-demand access to my calendar, and portfolio management. Billed quarterly.

Limited Engagement (3-Month) Plan | $5,000 Upfront Fee

Identical to Ongoing Financial Planning Services, but condensed into a limited-time engagement. Excludes portfolio management.

Other FAQs

  • I am a ā€œfee-onlyā€ advisor which means that I am only compensated from the flat rate that I charge clients for my advice and expertise. I donā€™t charge a % of AUM (assets under management) and I never receive any commissions of any kind whatsoever.

  • I do not. With hourly work, there is a mismatch of incentives where everyone is watching the clock. Advisors may be incentivized to be overly thorough and clients may be incentivized to cut corners. Instead, I offer holistic financial planning, either on-going or for a limited engagement.

  • I generally believe that markets are efficient and that focusing on low-cost, broadly-diversified funds is optimal. Instead of chasing the highest yields (which is generally unsustainable and can introduce higher volatility), I focus on generating "pretty good" returns that are repeatable year after year. From there, I look to optimize taxes and let the power of compounding work its magic.

  • No, I am virtual and am licensed to work with clients across the U.S. But if I am ever in your neck of the woods, it would be great to meet in person!

  • No charge. I want to ensure that our vision for working together is aligned. If Iā€™m not the right fit, I will gladly provide you with the names of others!